I Международная научно-практическая Интернет-конференция «Диалог культур – диалог о мире и во имя мира» (24-25 октября 2012 г.)

Новак М.П .

Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, Ренійський інститут , Україна


Every language has phrases or sentences that cannot be understood literally. Even if we know the meaning of all the words in a phrase and understand the grammar completely, the meaning of the phrase may be still confusing.

Phraseology was singled out as special branch of linguistics in the forties of the 20 th century. Phraseological unit ( PhU ) was defined by professor A.V.Kunin as a set combination of words with a complete or partial transference of meaning. PhU requires special methods of study which were proposed by such prominent scientist as N.M. Amosova , V.L . Archangelskii and S.G . Gavrin . There were many attempts to classify phraseology into several groups. The most common is the structural and semantic classification proposed by V.V. Vinogradov . He identifies three types of phraseology:

1. Phraseological combinations are analytical close word groups, the components of which are as a rule used in their direct meaning and the meaning of the whole expression is equal to the sum of meanings of its components for e.g. the break of the day – світанок ; prove a success – мати успіх ; take one’s easy – відпочивати .

2.By phraseological unities we mean analytical combinations the components of which are used figuratively and the meaning of the whole expression can be drawn from the meanings of the components but it is never equal to them for e.g.: baker's dozen – чортова дюжина ; one's place in the sun – місце під сонцем ; Pandora's box – скринька Пандори .

3. Phraseological fusions are syntactical formations the meaning of which are indifferent to the meaning of their components for e.g. Blue Bonnet – шотландець ; to run away – накивати п’ятами ; to kiss the hare’s foot – спізнюватися .

Phraseological units are used in all spheres of communication: in everyday life, science, technology, business world, politics, culture, education and literature. No person can imagine his life without set phrases, idioms, proverbs and sayings. Phraseological units result from mode of life.

New Webster’s Dictionary gives the following definitions of discourse – speech or lecture, a written dissertation, talk, conversation.

Practical English dictionary distinguishes such definition of discourse – speech, treatise, sermon, conversation.

Discourse creates reality that is followed by people according to social laws.

Political discourse in a modern world of politics is a peculiar reflection of difference in opinions, being available at all levels of political life, determined by very specificity of functioning pluralism in society.

Every year there appear new phraseological units. The most active and at the same time productive source of new idioms is political life. For instance, there exist a great number of such phraseological units in the English language; all-out war (total war, as opposed to small warlike acts or threats of war), cold war, round-table conference, open door policy and etc.

The main problems arising in the process of rendering the meaning of PhU into the Ukrainian language related to certain differences between the original language and target language, including different meanings of words, the lack of information about certain events in the original language, different social and political realities; cultural characteristics, especially the environment and so on.

Basic methods of translating PhU :

1) the equivalent of PhU coinciding with the PhU of the source language by meaning, the lexical composition and figurativeness because of their international character, or one primary source (the Bible, mythology);

2) partial equivalent of PhU containing lexical, grammatical, lexico -grammatical differences but at the same time has equal meaning   and equal stylistic effect.

3) selective phraseological equivalent, which the translator chooses from several existing equivalent   as the most appropriate for a given context;

4) the choosing analogies that is such expressions are very close in their connotative ( metathorical ) meaning in English and Ukrainian as well.

5) contextual substitution is a kind of occasional equivalent, is used to transfer only the idiom in this context;

6) a descriptive translation. The meaning of a considerable number of PhU can be rendered through explication only, i.e. in a descriptive way.

7) calque is the literal translation, which allows rendering a vivid image of English idiom to Ukrainian reader.

Here are some examples of usage of phraseological units taken from political discourses.

Since time immemorial the pork barrel has been rolled out in Congress and each of the lawgivers has bargained for his share and the gratitude of his constituents (“The Times”, February 2002)

З незапам'ятних часів казенним пирогом розпоряджається конгрес , і кожен законодавець прагне урвати свою частку , щоб заслужити вдячність виборців .

In this case PhU “pork barrel” requires disclosure of its meaning in translation. And pragmatic equivalence can be achieved only through the interpretation of extralinguistic factors.

Clearly, America’s relationship with Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, will be nothing like its romance with his predecessors. Amid its love affairs with Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, America approached Russia with indulgence and optimism: frequent large carrots and occasional small sticks . (‘The Economist”, March 23d, 2001)

Абсолютно ясно , що відносини Америки з Володимиром Путіним , президентом Росії , будуть не такими рожевими , як з його попередниками . За часів медового місяця з Михайлом Горбачовим і Борисом Єльциним відносини Америки до Росії характеризувалися терпимістю і оптимізмом : пряників було багато , а батіг був символічним .

This PhU can be translated by searching the analogue which has   common with the original meaning, but was built on a different language and figurative basis. To understand and correctly translate this statement is necessary to know the phrase "the stick and carrot policy" ( політика батога і пряника ), that demonstrate the essence of English diplomacy.

The biggest torture-fueled wild-goose chase is the war in Iraq. (“The Economist” July 14, 2008).

Найбезглуздіша кампанія , що підігрівається картинами катувань американських солдатів - це війна в Іраку .

PhU wild-goose chase has several equivalents, fixed in the phraseological dictionaries: гонитва за недосяжним , навіжена ідея , безглузде підприємство , гонитва за химерами . We chose contextual substitution while this method accurately conveys a very negative assessment of the actions of the U.S. government and the entire U.S. military campaign in Iraq. This version of the translation is pragmatically justified.

While working on the translation of PhU , the translator must remember that he does not deal with static and ready for use language unit which is fixed in phraseological dictionary, but with dynamic, unique, living only in this particular text unit of speech which requires adequate translation.

Communicative and pragmatic equivalence is the main task of the translator. In choosing the most appropriate variants of PhU translator can reject the equivalence at a lower level for equivalence at the higher one.