К. пед. н. Литвин С. В., Светенок Л. К.

Чернігівський національний технологічний університет, Україна



На сучасному етапі розвитку освіти спостерігається нагальна потреба перегляду політики навчання іншомовної писемної комунікації, а саме підготовки фахівців до участі у міжнародних програмах, викликана визнанням України у Європі як незалежної держави та її входом до єдиного європейського освітнього простору.

Відповідно до вимог Програми 2005 року навчання писемного спілкування студентів нелінгвістичних вищих навчальних закладів передбачає вміння писати зрозумілі, деталізовані тексти різного спрямування, пов’язані з особистою та професійною сферами, а також готувати та продукувати ділову та професійну кореспонденцію тощо.

Отже, з огляду на вимоги чинної Програми та можливості участі студентів у програмах «Навчання, стажування, підвищення кваліфікації студентів, аспірантів, науково-педагогічних та педагогічних працівників за кордоном», було розглянуто найбільш поширені сфери писемного спілкування та жанри, які в них функціонують, і які використовуються учасниками зазначених програм найчастіше. Найактуальнішим сьогодні є жанр офіційної сторінки. Він використовується для надання інформації колегам в академічній та наукових сферах з різних куточків світу.

Проаналізувавши існуючі системи вправ для навчання офіційної писемної комунікації [2–8], було створено комплекс вправ, який дозволить навчати написання інформаційних офіційних сторінок в аудиторії або запропонувати завдання для самостійної роботи.  


Writing Formal Information Sheets

Task 1

Read the rubric and the hint given bellow and discuss the questions which follow:

Some foreign students and lectures are due to visit your university in accordance with Exchange Program, but know very little about the area. You are President of the Students’ Union and have been asked to write an information sheet to be sent to the visitors in advance of their arrival. You should include details about the university, the area and the activities that are available to them during their stay.


Formal Information Sheets have a main heading and are divided into sections with subheadings.

They should focus on providing factual information and need to use tactful diplomatic language.

Formal Information Sheets should include:

· a title which attracts the attention of the reader and states the content

· an introduction which makes the reader want to continue

· a main body divided into headed sections, focusing on the relevant information in the rubric

· a brief conclusion where main points are summarized.

Layout is very important, use clear headings and make sure your writing is well spaced out on the page. Bullet points can be used to separate your points.

1)   Who are the target readers?

2)   How formal does your writing need to be?

3)   How many sections would you write?

4)   Which of the language features would you use? (E. g. descriptive language, short/long sentences, persuasive language, imperatives, rhetorical questions, long paragraphs, light-hearted headings, idiomatic expressions).

5)                    What kind of information do you think your target readers would like to be given? Should you include details about the Exchange Program? Why (not)?

Task 2

Read the model and answer the questions that follow.

Our University and City suggest unforgettable experience

General Tips

The following information should help you get the most out of your coming visit to our university. We have included some details about the university, the area and some other things that you will be able to see and do during your stay.

Academic Life

The university was founded in 1960. It has its history and traditions and is considered to be the leading one in training of engineering staff in Ukraine. In the structure of our University there are 12 faculties with 49 departments, 2 colleges, Postgraduate Education and Training Centre.

Scientific Life

Our students have an opportunity to be engaged in scientific work since the first year of study. Annually hundreds of them take part in the scientific and technical conference held in the university and the best ones become the winners of all-Ukrainian and international competitions. Gifted young people demonstrate the high level of theoretical and practical training and are awarded with diplomas.

Social life

At our university students and lectures have supportive learning environment to attain objectives not only in their scientific work but also they can cultivate their creativity, imagination and ingenuity.  Talented students take part in television shows and thousands of viewers become their fans. They also participate in many national projects, sports competitions at different levels, meet public people and organize cultural events which are attended by town people.

The City

Chernihiv is situated in the North of Ukraine. It is close to some of the most spectacular scenery in the country and has many historical attractions, including well-preserved ancient cathedrals. The city itself is more cultural than industrial centre. There are many museums, theatres and art galleries. The Cultural Center regularly organizes exhibitions and special events.

Enjoy your stay

We hope your visit will live up to your expectations and you will have the opportunity to enjoy some of the things our city and university have to offer. The University staff and Students’ Union will do their best to make your stay a pleasant one.

1)   Does the information sheet answer all the points in the task?

2)   How would you describe the register?

3)   Underline descriptive adjectives? Can you suggest alternatives?

4)   Can you think of subheadings of your own to replace those given?

5)   Is there any information which you think could have been added?

Task 3

Imagine you are the Head of International Relations Department at your university and have been asked to write an Information Sheet to newly arrived from Great Britain students and lectures to help them adapt to the life in your city and university. You have an Introductory Part and Conclusion prepared by the Secretary of your Department, write the main body using the tips given in the previous exercises.

Challenging Experience

Staying in another country, city and university is challenging. But you can successfully use this experience for attaining your independence and learning self-sufficiency. At our university students and lectures have supportive friendly atmosphere in all spheres of life. 

Rewarding Experience

We invite you to join a number of University societies and events and you will find many friends with different interesting backgrounds. Should you still feel nostalgic for home or experience depression specially trained councilors are employed to deal with these situations.

Task 4

You work in the Regional Educational Department and have been asked to write an information sheet on the training engineering staff in our country for a delegation of your foreign colleagues. It should include a description of theoretical and practical training, the system of assessment, main areas of scientific work, employment situation. You may also include any other information which you think might be relevant.

Таким чином, запропонований комплекс вправ може бути використаний для навчання студентів, магістрів, аспірантів та викладачів написання текстів офіційних сторінок, що сприятиме обміну інформацією широкого кола користувачів Інтернет ресурсів.


Список використаних джерел:

1.            Програма з англійської мови для професійного спілкування / Бакаєва Г. Є., Борисенко О. А., Зуєнок І. І., Іваніщева В. О. та ін. – К.: Ленвіт, 2005. – 119 с.

2.            Byrne D. Teaching Writing Skills. – L., N.Y.: Longman, 1991. – 152 p.

3.            Evans V. Successful Writing: Upper-Intermediate. – Express Publishing. – 1997. – 116 p.

4.            Evans V., Edwards L. Upstream Advanced C1: Student’s book. – Express Publishing. – 2006. – 256 p.

5.            Evans V., Edwards L. Upstream Advanced C1: Work book. – Express Publishing. – 2006. – 136 p.

6.            Jolly D. Writing Tasks. – Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984. – 170 p.

7.            Sorsby C. Writing 101. – The Philip Lief Group, Inc., 1996. – 176 p.

8.            Wong L. Essential Writing Skills. – N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin company, 1998. – 458 p.