PhD in Economics Maksimchuk O. S.
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk national
university (
stability and integrity of the organizational system are stored in the long
term period with
sufficient flexibility of the subject of management and balance its strategic
development. Strategic stability is ensured by the implementation of the
enterprise complex of
management decisions aimed at the creation, development and
long-term preservation of a competitive advantage in a dynamic marketplace.
scientists consider a definition of "sustainability" as the ability
to survive, to resist and adapt to the effects of exogenous and endogenous
factors. As the process of
stability is the result of the relationship and interaction
between the system operation, the purpose of which - the generating of balance
factors and to ensure further development.
the greatest interest causes the category of "strategic stability" of
the enterprise. A significant contribution to the development of modern
approaches to ensure the strategic stability of the enterprises made by such
scholars as: I. Ansoff, T. Burns, S. Bir, P. Doyle, P. Drucker, D. Cleland, Kotler, E. Lawler,
S. Myers, M. Porter, M. Peters, M. Mekson, D. North,
AJ Strickland, John. Stiglitz, A. Thompson, F. Hayek, and
many others.
stability of the enterprise can be defined as the ability of the socio-economic
system does not deviate from its statistical or dynamical state under the
influence of various internal and external destabilizing influences. Strategic
stability is achieved through the effective development and usage of financial,
industrial, and institutional arrangements. Thus, one of the characteristics of
the enterprise strategic stability is to create and maintain a
sustainable competitive advantages. Availability of sustainable
competitive advantages of the enterprise is possible only with the concurrence
of strategic objectives and business strategy. Strategic stability of enterprises
is only possible provided that sustainable competitive advantage is the result
of a unique competitive position of economic actors and activities in view of
the development strategy. The main sources of sustainable competitive advantage
of enterprises are: 1) the use of new technologies, methods of organization of
production, etc .; 2) acceleration of the development
and introduction of innovations, speed and accuracy of response to the
innovations of rival firms; 3) forecasting of
innovations; 4) the introduction of modern management techniques. Thus,
the stability does not come from the parts but from the system of activity.
modern conditions strategic stability of the enterprise is based on making
agreements: short term and long-term goals of the enterprise and adapting to
all aspects of activity with environmental change.
means that we need a system approach to the study of the key drivers, risks and
opportunities affecting on a realisation of enterprise
business strategies.
addition, in order to achieve the company's strategic sustainability requires a
commitment to this goal all stakeholders and all employees, control and
coordination. The new model of development requires a fully integrated
sustainability strategy and enterprise operations. Stability is hard to
achieve, and the company needs to overcome various challenges in every stage
and develop new opportunities for solving these problems. It is necessary to
allocate such stages ensure enterprise sustainability strategy: the first step
is to conduct an in-depth study of environmental factors change, to formulate
strategic goals of sustainability. In the second stage to consider the
resources necessary to ensure sustainability and to develop a strategy based on
strategic goals. At the third stage it is necessary to make changes in the
organizational management structure, which will be more in line with the new
strategy. In the fourth stage the necessary changes should be made, without
which it is impossible to proceed with the implementation of the strategy.
Finally, at the fifth stage should identify deviations from the set goals with
the necessary adjustments to the strategy change.
stability of enterprises consists of interrelated elements. Among the
constituent elements of strategic stability are: financial, organizational
innovation and sustainability [1].
main principles of the maintenance of strategic stability are: managerial
system, the feasibility of risk, active responding to changes in the factors;
innovation, long-term. Paying attention to the effectiveness of the
implementation of measures to ensure the company's strategic sustainability
requires a clearly defined program of action on the part of top management.
ensuring strategic stability requires a detailed analysis of all functional
areas of activity, the integration into the system of strategic management and
implementation, with the strategic priorities of the company's development.
List of references:
1. Baranenko S. P. Strategic stability / S. P. Baranenko
V. V. Chemetov. – M.
"Tsentrpoligraf", 2004. – 493 p.
2. Maximova L. V. Assessment of
economic viability / L. V.
Maximova // Marketing: Theory and Practice
: Coll. Science. works of
3. Ãðèíüêî Ò. Â. Ñòðàòåã³ÿ ÿê ³íñòðóìåíò
àíòèêðèçîâîãî óïðàâë³ííÿ íà ï³äïðèºìñòâ³ / Ò. Â. Ãðèíüêî //
Åêîíîì³ñò. – Êè¿â: íàóêîâî-äîñë³äíèé öåíòð ³ííîâàö³é òà êîíêóðåíòîñïðîìîæíîñò³,
2013. – ¹ 8. – Ñ. 51–53.