Samokysh T. A.

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (Ukraine)



The world industry of hospitality tends rapid development nowadays. The increasing the number of subjects in the field of hotel services leads to an aggravation of competitive fight and it demands a constant search of tools and ways to improve competitiveness from the hotel enterprises.

One of the most important factors of ensuring the high level of competitiveness is  the quality of service at the enterprise which encourages the enterprises to apply various systems, mechanisms and models of quality management.

Universal models that are used to control the quality of hotel services are the model of "Five M" P. Kotler and "Plan-Do-Check-Act" E. Deming.

The model of management "Five M" provides that a quality of services is reached through effective management of all components service in hotel: МЕN, MACHINE, MATERIAL, METHOD and MILIEU. 

„Plan-Do-Check-Act” is adopted as a basis of the international ISO standards 9000-9004 and characterizes stages of life cycle of service among which there are a marketing, a service design; a material support; a preparation of development of engineering procedure of service; a granting a hotel product; quality control; a reconstruction and operation of hotel fund; an infrastructure of hotel; a technical assistance in service; a professional development of personnel. 

International Standards ISO 9000 establishes the universally recognized approach to contractual terms for evaluating the quality system and simultaneously regulate the relationship between producers and consumers of hotel services. In all western countries many hotels use a number of concepts of quality management among which are: Quality Management System, Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance System, Quality Control, Total Quality and Productivity Management, Quality System Management etc [7, p. 332]. 

Ensuring quality of hotel services has to be carried out on the basis of a control system of quality of the hotel enterprise on standards and ​​ the principles of Total Quality Management and take into account: a leader role of the management in all innovative processes; orientation to requirements of the client; involvement of personnel to the solution of problems of improvement of quality of service of hospitality; stimulation and professional development of personnel; introduction of process approach to management; widespread introduction of information technologies in administrative activity and other spheres of functioning of the hotel enterprises; communication with clients by means of Internet [2, 72].

One of mechanisms of external influence on ensuring quality of hotel services is the system of classification, categorization, certification of hotels, through the establishment of the quality standards. Despite it, there is no uniform world system of classification of the hotel enterprises at the present. There are more than three tens various systems of classification which operate in the certain countries, regions, economic zones.

The analysis of approaches to a categorization of hotels showed that the majority of the countries estimate the following criteria: technical characteristics of hotel, list of services and price policy. Qualitative parameters of the range of services are analyzed to a lesser extent analyzed. In general it is possible to define  the common criteria of a categorization for each approach: quality of services (priority, but it is very subjective parameter in practice of real estimation)  general characteristics of the building; reception hall; additional services and facilities which are offered for an additional fee or are already included in the cost of accommodation; number of rooms; restrooms and bathrooms; food services; level of professionalism of personnel.

At the same time it should be noted that, based on the geographical, sociocultural and religious features, each country defines the criteria of a categorization of hotels on their own that considerably complicates the  development of uniform system of classification of hotels in the world.

Researches and the analysis of world practice enabled to allocate the most widespread systems of classification. So, in the European countries , as a rule hotels are classified by the principle of "starship" in which 5 * –  a sign of the highest quality. Exceptions are Greece (system of "letters"), Great Britain (system "crowns" or "keys"), Italy, Spain (system of "categories"), where the traditional models are used with new tendencies to a categorization of hotels on the level of "starship". In India and the countries of Asia it is widespread the system of "points", in Australia, Canada – system of "stars" and "semi-stars", in the USA – system of "stars" or "diamonds", in China – system of "stars" [3].

In Ukraine the system of a categorization of hotels acts by assigning the stars from 1 to 5. This system needs the improvement, especially in revision of requirements to determination of category of the enterprise. Introduction of effective system of a categorization (classification, certification) hotels is an important condition of ensuring quality of hotel services and maintenance at the state level.


The list of references:

1. Роглєв Х. Й. Основи готельного менеджменту : навч. посіб. / Х. Й. Роглєв. – К.: Кондор, 2005. – 408 с. 

2. Данько Н. І. Управління якістю готельних підприємств в Україні / Н. І. Данько // Проблеми економіки. – 2011. 1.– С. 6772.

3. Білецька І. М. Національні особливості організації готельної справи у світовій індустрії гостинності [Електронний ресурс] / І. М. Білецька // Ефективна економіка. –  Режим доступу : 1&z=3745