Lavnyzhenkova A., Gorbanova A., Kurinna I.

Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (Ukraine)



Modern society got used to the regular exchange by various information, money, methods of production and another "engines" of international state relations [3]. But one of the dominant types of exchange is an exchange by labor resources, which name is labor migration. Labor migration is rightfully considered the extremely meaningful phenomenon in the world, the consequences of which often become reasons of plenty of sharp problems of political and social characters in the whole world.

Word «migration» the Latin origin means moving, relocation. A movement from one point of country in other since earliest times was inherently to the people, therefore international migrations were widespread from archaic times. The basis for the emergence of such social phenomena were hikes of conquest, nomadic cattle breeders, natural disasters, political and religious persecutions, geographical discoveries and mastering of new territories for vital functions [3]. Now at the obvious increase of general scales of migration a leading role was occupied by labor migration, or migration of labor force. Migration of labor resources is moving of population with the purpose of employment on more favorable conditions than in the country or region of stay. Distinguish internal migration of labor force, what be going on between the regions of one country, and external migration is moving of people between two and more by the states.

Mainly, labor migration is associated with the uneven socio-economic development of different countries. There is a shortage of personnel in rapidly developing countries, surplus labor and unemployment in slow-moving countries, which leads to a decrease in salaries, and, consequently, and standard of living. It is necessary to fill the free economic areas with labor resources by importing personnel to solve similar issues [4]. There are not only social and economic reasons for labor migration, but also: unstable military, political situation, high birth rate of the population, discrimination on national, religious and racial grounds, rapid development of scientific and technological progress [1].

The displacement of labor is an excellent engine for the development of the international economy. On the positive side migration guarantees the redirection of working resources in accordance with the requirements of actively progressing countries, concentrates an active and proactive population in the economically important centers of the state, gives an opportunity to seize new territories and their natural wealth, promotes the growth of financial well-being and increase the professionalism of hundreds of millions of people [2].

On the negative side, the migration of personnel entails an extremely dynamic growth of multi-population cities in recipient countries, depopulation (reduction in the number of population), demographic aging, creates difficulties associated with the development of migrants unfamiliar legal, social, cultural foundations of society [4].

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: labor migration is the relationship between the donor country and the recipient country on the basis of mutual conclusion of the employment contract. They can be caused by the dissatisfaction of the financial position of the individual, the lack of available jobs, as well as political and military conflicts.

Labor migration is a complex and contradictory social phenomenon. Regular movement of labor resources from one country to another is accompanied by numerous consequences. On the one hand, migrants can temporarily find employment on the more favorable terms in the donor country, and obtain a lifelong citizenship in a rapidly developing recipient country. On the other hand, mass migrations are a complex process for customs services and migrants themselves.


The list of references:

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2. Ivanov T. D. Labour migration of Russians: economic and social effects / T. D. Ivanova // Problems of Forecasting. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 82–97.

3. Ryazantsev S. V. World market and international migration : textbook / S. V. Ryazantsev, M. F. Tkachenko. – M. : Economics, 2010. – 303 p.

4. Ekimyan V. V. Labor migration: to whom it is profitable / V. V. Ekimiyan // Man and Labor. – 2007. – ¹ 3. – P. 87–88.